Simplified Registration for improved lead generation

abbreviated registration dialogLead Generation is a main focus of Rover 1.2.5.  You can now have Registration / Sign Up links specify  property preferences automatically.  So if your landing page is targeting one town / subdivision / property type..., the registration process can seamlessly integrate that preference into the property preference that is setup for the new user.  Coupling this with the Abbreviated version of the Registration dialog, and you have an unbelievably easy sign up process:

By default - Rover will now use the selections from the search panel on the page to setup Property Preferences when a user is signing up.  The user can, of course, change any of these selections.

The designer can add a link to various lead generation or landing pages that will allow directed lead generation sign up.



For instance:

<a href="#" onclick="roverRegister(this);" data-reg='{"cities":"Pahrump","max_price":"950000"}'>Register for Pahrump</a>

This link will allow the user to register, and will automatically setup their Saved Search as the city of Pahrump, with a maximum price of $950,000.

To specify the abbreviated registration dialog:

<a href="#" onclick="roverRegister(this);" data-reg='{"abbrev":"true","cities":"Pahrump","max_price":"950000"}'>Register for Pahrump</a>