The default Search Panel
All the standard search controls, and also an intelligent "More" dropdown that automatically includes search items specific to your MLS.
- All Rover IDX search panels are mobile friendly
- The search panel knows if it is embedded within a rover_idx_full_page. If it is embedded, the listings refresh immediately as you select your preferences
- If the search panel is standalone on a page, a SEARCH button automatically appears. Pressing it redirects to a page of results for the search panel selections.
Other Search Panels
Custom Colors
Custom Search Panels
Maybe you want a specialized search panel for Land listings, so you do not want "Bedrooms" and "Bathrooms" to appear on the search panel. You can create custom search panels using shortcode parameters that define exactly what search controls appear, and in what order. You can even define what appears in the More dropdown.
For example, the default search panel will be created when you add rover_idx_full_page to a page.
However, if you use search_panel_layout="custom"
and template_fields="city,prop_types,price"
, you are overriding the default search panel.

Both rover_idx_full_page and rover_idx_search_panel accept these parameters.
See the blog post Custom Search Panels for full details.