
Display listings within 55+ adult communities. If the MLS supports this, a 55+ Community checkbox is also available in the “More” search panel dropdown:


Number of properties per page when displayed on any mobile device. You can tell Rover to how many listings to display on a page by setting that preference globally in Rover IDX >> Styling >> Listing Layout.  If you want to override that global setting for a specific page, just add listings_per_row=”2″ to your shortcode. … Read more


When present on a mobile device, the search panel can be collapsed (closed), or expanded (open). There are two choices: open closed The default is ‘open’


For sites that have many active agents, you can add a navigator to the top of the page that allows a visitor to click a letter in the navigator and view agents whose last names begin with that letter.  


The default title for the Home Worth shortcode is “What’s my Home Worth”.  It can be modified to anything you like using this shortcode parameter.


Instead of using the default background image, supply a url to your custom images.   If you want to remove the background image altogether, use the special keyword `transparent`


By default a footer element is displayed below search results.  This nav contains the Next and Prev controls.  The display of this footer can be prevented with this parameter.


By default a nav element is displayed above search results.  This nav contains the Next / Prev, and Sort controls.  The display of this nav can be prevented with this parameter.


Link output is not limited to displaying a flat link list of cities or subdivisions or zip codes.  They can be combined using the group_by parameter to generate more interesting output: Possible group_by combinations are: group_by=”city,prop_type” group_by=”city,area” group_by=”city,subdivision” group_by=”area,prop_type” group_by=”subdivision,prop_type” group_by=”zip,prop_type”