Rover Shortcode: rover_idx_slider
Display listings found in a specific condominium association. This search is a partial match search, so if you use condo_assoc=”kensington”, all listings for both ‘kensington manor’ and ‘kensington heights’ will be included. NOTE: Not all MLS’s share condo association information.
Display listings for a specific street. This search is a partial match search, so if you use street=”comm”, all listings for ‘commercial’ street will be included. Additionally, you can include street numbers and street suffixes (St, Rd, Road, Ln…). For instance: street=”45plant” will match 45 Plant Rd, 845Plant Ave, and 43845 Plantation Causeway.
Display only properties that are built on or after a specified year. The year should be in 4-digit format. * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Display only properties that are flagged as new construction. * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Sort this Agent listings so that they appear first, regardless of the sort_by= setting.