
Display only properties that are oceanfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Find listings by subdivision.  The value you specify for subdivision is a partial match.  So if you specify ‘woods’, listings in both ‘winterwoods’ and ‘the woods’ will be matched. * Some MLS’s do not share subdivision data.


Sort listings by: sortprice – sort by listing price, in descending order.  This is the default. sortpriceasc – sort by listing price in ascending order. sortcity – sort by city sortsqft – sort by square footage of property (if available) sortacres – sort by acres (if available) sortbedrooms – sort by bedrooms sortpricepersqft – sort … Read more


Limit search results to listings that are categorized as Short Sale.


Specify one or more mlnumbers to display. *If specified, this criteria overrides any other specified criteria.


date_added=”1week” The “1week” can be any combination of <number> + <day / week / month>. For instance: date_added=”37days” date_added=”2months” date_added=”9months”


Only display properties that have at least x property images. [rover_idx_full_page all_cities=”Barnstable,Bourne,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth” min_images=1]


Number of properties per page. You can tell Rover to how many listings to display on a page by setting that preference globally in Rover IDX >> Styling >> Listing Layout.  If you want to override that global setting for a specific page, just add listings_per_row=”2″ to your shortcode. The default is 24.   * … Read more


Display listings for specific agent(s).  You can specify one agent mlsid, or a comma separated list of agent mlsids.  You can look on the Rover IDX >> General >> Office and Agents tab to find individual agent mlsid’s. You can specify * for the agent mlsid, and Rover will automatically use all active agent mlsids for the website.


Display listings for specific office(s).  You can specify one office mlsid, or a comma separated list of office mlsids.  You can look on the Rover IDX >> General >> Office and Agents tab to find individual office mlsid’s. You can specify * for the office mlsid, and Rover will automatically use all active office mlsids for the website.