Display only properties that are harborfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Display only properties that are harborfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Display only properties that are marshfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Display only properties that are oceanfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.
Find listings by subdivision. The value you specify for subdivision is a partial match. So if you specify ‘woods’, listings in both ‘winterwoods’ and ‘the woods’ will be matched. * Some MLS’s do not share subdivision data.
Used in conjunction with newAndUpdated plugin. Display new listings that were added in the previous ‘x’ days. The value can be quite flexible. For instance, these all work: [rover_idx_plugin plugin_type=”newAndUpdated” date_added=”1 month”] [rover_idx_plugin plugin_type=”newAndUpdated” date_added=”4 days”] [rover_idx_plugin plugin_type=”newAndUpdated” date_added=”2 weeks”] Default is to ignore this parameter, in favor of prev_days=”7 days”.
Sort listings by: sortprice – sort by listing price, in descending order. This is the default. sortpriceasc – sort by listing price in ascending order. sortcity – sort by city sortsqft – sort by square footage of property (if available) sortacres – sort by acres (if available) sortbedrooms – sort by bedrooms sortpricepersqft – sort … Read more