Sort this Office listings so that they appear first, regardless of the sort_by= setting.
Sort this Office listings so that they appear first, regardless of the sort_by= setting.
cities= defines the currently selected cities / towns. When set, the page will initially draw with: listings that will match these cities or towns. search panel (if present) that will display these cities as the dropdown title Of course, after this page is initially displayed, a visitor can change selections on the search panel, and the … Read more
Display Price / City / Beds / Baths in a caption bar at bottom of slideshow. For instance: Usage: slide_caption=”true” Example: [rover_idx_slider slide_caption=”true”]
date_added=”1week” The “1week” can be any combination of <number> + <day / week / month>. For instance: date_added=”37days” date_added=”2months” date_added=”9months”