
Display listings found in a specific condominium association.  This search is a partial match search, so if you use condo_assoc=”kensington”, all listings for both ‘kensington manor’ and ‘kensington heights’ will be included. NOTE: Not all MLS’s share condo association information.


Display listings found in a specific building.  This search is a partial match search, so if you use building=”huntington”, all listings for both ‘huntington north’ and ‘huntington south’ buildings will be included. NOTE: Not all MLS’s share building information.


Find listings by zip code.  This parameter can take a comma-separated list of zip codes.


Display only properties that abut or are nearby tennis facilities * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Display only properties that abut or are nearby golf facilities * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Display only properties that are built on or after a specified year.  The year should be in 4-digit format. * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Display only properties that are flagged as new construction. * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


The region defines which MLS regions to be used for this shortcode output. When only one MLS region is specified region=”RAPB”: a: The output will initialize with data from that specified region b: If a search panel is part of that output, the search panel will be limited to displaying listings for just that region. Specify … Read more


By default, Rover IDX searches for ‘Active’ and ‘Pending’ listings listings.  To tell Rover to search for specific status of listings, use this parameter.  The three status are: active pending sold These statuses can be combined in the shortcode: status=”active,pending”


cities= defines the currently selected cities / towns.  When set, the page will initially draw with: listings that will match these cities or towns. search panel (if present) that will display these cities as the dropdown title Of course, after this page is initially displayed, a visitor can change selections on the search panel, and the … Read more