
date_added=”1week” The “1week” can be any combination of <number> + <day / week / month>. For instance: date_added=”37days” date_added=”2months” date_added=”9months”


“accordion” is the default for most Rover IDX widgets. It provides a header for the title, and is collapsible. Clicking on it collapses the widget. “flat” is the default for the Quick Links widget. There is no header.


Only display properties that have at least x property images. [rover_idx_full_page all_cities=”Barnstable,Bourne,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth” min_images=1]


Automatically add areas (neighborhoods) for each city. This parameter applies only to the quickSearchLink plugin.


Specify the label for the quickSearchLinks plugin – which normally defaults to the towns selected.


How each row of the plugin is rendered. The options are: thumblist textlist thumb slideshow The default is thumblist.


On initilization, should the plugin be collapsed or expanded. When multiple plugins are displayed on one page, typically the first is expanded, but this is entirely configurable.


Set the height of the sidebar plugin, in pixels. The default is 355 pixels.


Number of properties per page. You can tell Rover to how many listings to display on a page by setting that preference globally in Rover IDX >> Styling >> Listing Layout.  If you want to override that global setting for a specific page, just add listings_per_row=”2″ to your shortcode. The default is 24.   * … Read more


Display listings for specific agent(s).  You can specify one agent mlsid, or a comma separated list of agent mlsids.  You can look on the Rover IDX >> General >> Office and Agents tab to find individual agent mlsid’s. You can specify * for the agent mlsid, and Rover will automatically use all active agent mlsids for the website.