
Display only properties that are pondfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Display only properties that are lakefront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Display only properties that are oceanfront * Some MLS’s do not share this data.


Find listings by subdivision.  The value you specify for subdivision is a partial match.  So if you specify ‘woods’, listings in both ‘winterwoods’ and ‘the woods’ will be matched. * Some MLS’s do not share subdivision data.


Sort listings by: sortprice – sort by listing price, in descending order.  This is the default. sortpriceasc – sort by listing price in ascending order. sortcity – sort by city sortsqft – sort by square footage of property (if available) sortacres – sort by acres (if available) sortbedrooms – sort by bedrooms sortpricepersqft – sort … Read more


Define the plugin type.  Possible choices are: newAndUpdated – display listings updated in ‘prev_days’ recentlyViewed – display listings visitor recently viewed featuredListings – display this office / agent listings foreclosureListings – display distressed listings lakefront – display lakefront listings clientFavorites – display visitor favorites navMap – used in conjunction with Map quickSearchLinks – display groups … Read more


Limit the report to only include data for specified property types. For instance, to build a report for Single Family Homes, Condos, and Land, start with this example: <div style="box-sizing:border-box;float:left;padding:5px;width:33%"> [rover_idx_report report_name="bycity" is_mini_report="true" report_selected_cities="Brewster,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth,Harwich" report_prop_types="singlefamily,condo,land" report_mini_columns="city,num sold listings,avg selling price"]


Add a ‘grouping’ column to the report. Grouping will break down the data in the report to more clearly identify issues and opportunities. Choices are: groupNone groupCity groupArea groupPropClass groupPrice groupAgent For an example of Grouping, see this page.


By default, Rover IDX Reports display Sold data. To display data for Active listings, use report_status=”active”.


Specify the cities to include in the report aggregation. If omitted, the report will aggregate data for all cities in the MLS.