
Set the width of the call-to-action. Default is 100%. [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” classes=”woo-sc-button” background=”#4F85BB” width=”175px” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Define any margin for this call-to-action. Use standard css notation: [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” classes=”woo-sc-button” background=”#4F85BB” margin=”10px 20px” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Define the text or border color, using standard css construct: [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” color=”red” background=”#4F85BB” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Define the visible text within the call-to-action. For example: [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” classes=”woo-sc-button” background=”#4F85BB” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Define the background color or img for this call-to-action. For example: [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” classes=”woo-sc-button” background=”#4F85BB” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Which CSS classes to add to the outer HTML element for this call-to-action. Useful when you want to reuse classes already defined in the WordPress theme, to match the color and style of the site. [rover_idx_cta tag=”button” classes=”woo-sc-button” background=”#4F85BB” text=”Sign Up for New Listings”]


Tell Rover IDX which HTML element tag to use for this control. Choices are any valid and clickable HTML element. Default is div.