Shortcode Help
Display a fully rendered Rover IDX page, including a Search Panel, Listings Results, and an optional Map.
Display a Listings page, with no Rover search panel and no map. Especially useful when you want to display Featured Listings for an Office or Agent.
Display a Listings page, with no Rover search panel and no listings grid. Especially useful when you want to display Featured Listings for an Office or Agent.
Display Listings in a horizontally scrolling carousel. Looks terrific on a mobile phone!
Display only a Search Panel. This standalone search panel will automatically add a "Search" button, and pressing it after making selections will redirect to a page display results for those selections.
Note that Search Panels are automatically added to a [rover_idx_full_page]

A fully configurable contact form. Choose which fields to display, set which are required, drag and drop them into your desired order, and even add captcha!
Display all active agents on a page - for instance, an "About Us" page. Individual agents on this page are clickable, and will launch a whole page just for that agent. These detail pages will include all agent details, and also their currently active listings, recently sold listings, and testimonials assigned to them.
Agent details like phone numbers, email addresses, thumbnail images, biographies, and testimonials should all be added / updated in General >> Office and Agents.
Add dynamic links pages / posts / sidebars or the footer. Clicking on one of these links displays matching active listings for that link.
This increases your site search-ability for Bots, and also helps visitors more quickly find what interests them.
A fully configurable testimonials page. Testimonials are added on the Rover IDX >> General >> Office and Agents page, within each agent section. Testimonials are added to a specific agent, therefore these testimonials also show up on the automatically generated agent bio pages when you use [rover_idx_agents]

Capture seller leads by offering a quick, easy to use What's My Home Worth tool. The seller provides their address and contact information, and in seconds the lead is sent to the appropriate agent.