Parameter Description

Instruct Rover to display a subset of all the columns for a report. When a report is mini, there is no chooser panel. To select which columns are displayed, use report_mini_columns, For an example, see this page.


Add a ‘grouping’ column to the report. Grouping will break down the data in the report to more clearly identify issues and opportunities. Choices are: groupNone groupCity groupArea groupPropClass groupPrice groupAgent For an example of Grouping, see this page.


Specify the column header names of the columns you wish to display in the mini report. For instance, say you want to display a mini version of the ByCity report:   To select which columns, just use the column header names: [rover_idx_report report_name="bycity" is_mini_report="true" report_selected_cities="Brewster,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth,Harwich" report_mini_columns="city,num sold listings,avg selling price"] This report is generated:


Which report to display.  Possible reports are: byCity byYear byAgent byOffice   *if used within rover_idx_full_page, reports are not displayed by default.  To replace the default plugin that appears under the search panel with a report, sidebar_report=”true” is necessary.


Limit the report to only include data for specified property types. For instance, to build a report for Single Family Homes, Condos, and Land, start with this example: <div style="box-sizing:border-box;float:left;padding:5px;width:33%"> [rover_idx_report report_name="bycity" is_mini_report="true" report_selected_cities="Brewster,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth,Harwich" report_prop_types="singlefamily,condo,land" report_mini_columns="city,num sold listings,avg selling price"]


Specify the cities to include in the report aggregation. If omitted, the report will aggregate data for all cities in the MLS.


By default, Rover IDX Reports display Sold data. To display data for Active listings, use report_status=”active”.