Parameter | Description |
is_mini_report | Instruct Rover to display a subset of all the columns for a report. When a report is mini, there is no chooser panel. To select which columns are displayed, use report_mini_columns, For an example, see this page. |
report_grouping | Add a ‘grouping’ column to the report. Grouping will break down the data in the report to more clearly identify issues and opportunities. Choices are: groupNone groupCity groupArea groupPropClass groupPrice groupAgent For an example of Grouping, see this page. |
report_mini_columns | Specify the column header names of the columns you wish to display in the mini report. For instance, say you want to display a mini version of the ByCity report: To select which columns, just use the column header names: [rover_idx_report report_name="bycity" is_mini_report="true" report_selected_cities="Brewster,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth,Harwich" report_mini_columns="city,num sold listings,avg selling price"] This report is generated: |
report_name | Which report to display. Possible reports are: byCity byYear byAgent byOffice *if used within rover_idx_full_page, reports are not displayed by default. To replace the default plugin that appears under the search panel with a report, sidebar_report=”true” is necessary. |
report_prop_types | Limit the report to only include data for specified property types. For instance, to build a report for Single Family Homes, Condos, and Land, start with this example: <div style="box-sizing:border-box;float:left;padding:5px;width:33%"> [rover_idx_report report_name="bycity" is_mini_report="true" report_selected_cities="Brewster,Chatham,Dennis,Eastham,Falmouth,Harwich" report_prop_types="singlefamily,condo,land" report_mini_columns="city,num sold listings,avg selling price"] |
report_selected_cities | Specify the cities to include in the report aggregation. If omitted, the report will aggregate data for all cities in the MLS. |
report_status | By default, Rover IDX Reports display Sold data. To display data for Active listings, use report_status=”active”. |